The “IN” operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field is one of multiple specified values. The values are specified as a comma-delimited list, surrounded by parentheses. To view a detailed information about functions and how to use them for advanced searching, check out Functions reference page. To view a detailed information about operators and how to use them for advanced searching, check out Operators reference page. To view a detailed information about fields and how to use them for advanced searching, check out Fields reference page.

The “IS NOT” operator can only be used with EMPTY or NULL. That is, it is used to search for issues where the specified field has a value. That is, it is used to search for issues where the specified field has no value.

Fix version

If you’ve made a custom field, you’ll be asked to name the field. Search for issues that have successful deployments on linked Bamboo instances. Now, check the following development fields that can be used in JQL queries. If you’ve linked your development tools to Jira, you can use even more parameters when performing a search.

  • While the portal key cannot be changed after a service project portal is created, the project key can be changed.
  • We want to see any new critical or blocking bugs that have come in recently to see if recent checkins have decreased stability.
  • This field is only available if time tracking has been enabled by your Jira administrator, and can only support the CONTAINS operator (“~”).
  • We recommend using IS or IS NOT to search for a single label, and IN or NOT IN to search for a list of labels.

Use the blue bar at the top and click Issues→ Search for issues to get to the issue navigator. You can filter on any field available in Jira (depending on the selected project(s)). @Andrei Pisklenov _Actonic_, thank you for sharing this post! This is really helpful for new Jira users who want to learn about Jira’s JQL search capabilities. Thanks for sharing this article @Andrei Pisklenov _Actonic_ ! This is really very useful for any new Jira users looking for learning JQL search capabilities in Jira.

Video Tutorial: JQL Advanced – Enhanced Search Queries in Jira

To find out the version of Lucene Jira Software is using, go to /Installation-directory/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/lib and locate the Lucene jar files. If you’re a Jira admin, note that this list is hard coded in the file. These words need to be surrounded by quotation marks (single or double) if you wish to use them in queries.

Search for issues that belong to projects in a particular category. You can create custom widgets based on JQL searches and display them on your dashboard, making it easier to track and monitor your work across projects. From this point of view, it is a translation of the search query that you created earlier in the standard search mode. Immediately after logging in, you can see a dashboard with different gadgets, most of which can be configured with the help of JQL filters. JQL filters are also used to determine which issues will be displayed on Kanban and Scrum boards. Visit the Jira product guide to learn more about JQL, advanced search with use cases, and more.

JQL search in systems like Jira

This will return all of the issues that were fixed in that particular release. What if we want a list that always shows the issues fixed in the last release whenever it was run? Once the query is complete, JIRA validates the JQL and lets us know the syntax is correct by the green check in the left and side of the text entry box. Note the Syntax Help link, which opens a reference page to the JQL language.

jql documentation

A function in JQL appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may contain one or more explicit values or Jira fields. This query would return the same results with or without the parentheses. You can set precedence in your JQL queries by using parentheses.

The basics of JQL Syntax

Search for issues where the time spent is set to a particular value (i.e. a number, not a date or date range). Use “w”, “d”, “h” and “m” to specify weeks, days, hours, or minutes. Search for issues that are assigned to a particular sprint. The search is based on either the sprint name or the sprint ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a sprint). You can search by resolution name or resolution ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a resolution).

jql documentation

Search results are relative to your configured time zone (which is by default the Jira server’s time zone). If you’re a Jira admin, take a look at Configuring issue linking for more info. Jira text-search syntax can be used with custom fields of type ‘Text’. Search for issues that have open or merged pull requests on linked Bitbucket instances.

Parentheses will group certain clauses together and enforce precedence. This field is only available if time tracking has been enabled by your Jira administrator, and can only support the CONTAINS operator (“~”). Search jql query and sort through your requests to ensure that you’re hitting your SLA goals. You can search for requests whose SLAs are in a certain state of completion, or that have a certain amount of time on their SLA clock.

jql documentation

The most simple search feature in Jira is the search box at the top right of your screen. Thank you for sharing, I saved this article for reference. Now let’s see which issues got fixed in the last release. Using an AND would give only the area covered by both circles, but an OR returns all items in either circle. Generally speaking, AND will narrow your query and return fewer results, while using an OR broadens it and will return more results.

JQL-based archeology with history operators

You can specify criteria that cannot be defined in the quick or basic searches. When searching issueLinkType, Jira searches all three properties. This is the case for the default “Blocks” link type, where the name and outward description are “blocks”.

jql documentation